SETLIST: from Turner Hall - Milw. Sat nite 01-15-11 Nice pre-show (((buzz))) happening in MN prior to the show tonite at the SOLD OUT Varsity Theater@VarsityTheater
Student of the guitar, radio jock, aviation fanatic, amateur astronomy, & growing ~hot~ Hungarian peppers. Unemployed retail manager, seeking a new full time gig.
I am a 20 year radio veteran who has been lucky enough to work in the industry well before the
current industry upheaval. My entry into this field of endeavor occurred in a very unconventional manner.
I will tell you about that in future postings.
Every market in which I have worked has yielded some very special and interesting experiences that I have filed away under MEMORY, and will eventually share many of them with you as well. Because I have always worked in the broadcasting industry in a part time capacity (around a "real job"),
I feel the experience has always afforded me a unique perspective. It certainly separates me from the usual day in, day out routines that go with this type of work. You see......that's the BS to endure!
100% FUN !
Know this, I am the only grocery store manager on the planet, and history of the world to ever have Ted Nugent come to his grocery store for a four hour visit to benefit a local (Mayville, WI - July 94) youth hunting safety & education program. I myself had given up on hunting by this point in my life.
Watch for more details in the near future. I hope you'll find them worth the wait.
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